The prevalence of HIV in Zambia is around 11%. Statistically, this is of great concern especially that new infections are seen among the adolescents and young adults who account for about 50% of new infections annually.
As a country we have done well in the diagnosis and management of the HIV Pandemic, out of 1.4 million people living with HIV, about 1.1 million are on treatment but more needs to be done in the prevention of new infections through child and adolescent targeted interventions.
The Resident Doctors Association of Zambia-RDAZ through it’s Central Province Chapter today joined the rest of the Country in commemorating the World Aids day under the theme ‘ Let Communities lead. ‘
RDAZ believes that solutions to the challenges communities face can be found within the profound wisdom and experience of the same communities.
We urge different sectors involved in the fight of the pandemic to involve affected communities in order to reduce both contacting and transmitting the virus so that we can lower the prevalence of HIV infection in our country.
For God and Country.