About RDAZ

Meet the amazing team behind Resident Association of Zambia and find out more about how we work.

About RDAZ

Meet the amazing team behind Resident Association of Zambia and find out more about how we work.

Resident Doctors Association of Zambia


Meet the amazing team behind Resident Association
of Zambia and find out more about how we work.

What We Do

The Resident Doctors Association of Zambia (RDAZ) is a non profit making professional body for medical doctors in Zambia. RDAZ has been in existence prior to independence in 1964, but was officially registered with the registrar of societies in 1994. The mandate of RDAZ is to uphold the welfare and professional integrity of the medical doctors. It represents the interests and professional dispensation of all non specialist resident doctors.

Meet Our National Executive Committee

The association is governed by the National executive committee (NEC), which is supported by various Hospital based branches. The branches are responsible for handling the local affairs of the resident doctors at facility, district or provincial level. The branches report to the National Executive Committee which handles matters at national level.
Dr Nandi Msimuko - Treasurer

Dr Nandi Msimuko

Dr Joel Siambelele- Committee Member Finance (1)

Dr Joel Siambelele

Dr Joseph Mutambo - Committee Member Public Health

Dr Joseph Mutambo

Public Health
Dr Joseph Mutambo - Committee Member Public Health (1)

Dr Paul Chibwe


Resident Doctors Association of Zambia

We are the leading voice negotiating for all resident doctors.

Alliance and Partners

Resident Doctors Association of Zambia works with the following partners.

Ministry of Health


Opelo Capital

Opelo Capital


Health Professions Council of Zambia


Doctors Leadership Academy

Doctors Leadership Academy



Zambia Medical Association


Summit Insurance Brokers

Summit Insurance Brokers

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