1 in 5 people has Mental related illness and this poses a big challenge in our health systems. Previous National Development plans had not given the attention this matter deserves. However, the 2018 mental health Act gives hope in tackling the many challenges faced in the service delivery in this particular area. It is important to note also that the effects of this act has not been felt by the majority of Zambians.
In an effort to raise awareness and to engage policy makers responsible for operationizing the 2018 act, The Resident Doctors Association of Zambia together with Medical students across Lusaka Province joined the rest of the country in commemoration of World Mental Health day on the 10th of October 2023 at OYDC. This year’s commemoration was held under the theme “MENTAL HEALTH IS A UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT” of which RDAZ fully recognizes and supports. It is for this reason that RDAZ wishes to encourage policy makers to put in place strategic measures to curb this fast spreading pandemic.
Groups such as students, unemployed individuals, people from low social economic backgrounds, those who have a history of childhood trauma, those being abused in any form must be given special attention as they are at more risk of developing a mental breakdown.
The Resident Doctors Association of Zambia stand ready to work with all cooperating partners including the media in raising community awareness and advocacy so that our population may have access to the services and reduce the cancer of stigma associated with mental Health.
It is also important to note that individual mental tranquility propels national development. INDEED MENTAL HEALTH IS A UNIVERSAL HUMAN RIGHT.
For God and Country.